Teratis, Riccardo Fratus’s red wine
A red wine in Franciacorta? Since many years, making a great red wine in Franciacorta has been a Chimera, a fantasy. However, there are some places, little portion of land, which have the right characteristics to give something extraordinary, out of any imagination. It’s the fate of Riccafana , with the vineyards on the southern slope of Monte Orfano, where perfect conditions of climate and territory can make the drem reality: a great red wine in Franciacorta. Indeed, Franciacorta is not only sparkling wines. It can also give, in right and selected corners, a great red wine..
Riccardo Fratus, owner of the cellar, has grown up among vineyards and grapes. At the slopes of the Monte Orfano, where he has spent afternoons playing when he was a child, and working when he was a young boy Learning the work from his father, has understood the potentiality of this portion of land. It’s exactly this the reason of the name. Teratis is his own Red Wine. The dream and the intuition have become reality: Teratis is a strong red wine, a great creation and a big descovery, based on the importance of knowing the land, its climate, its powerful sides and work on them!
Riccafana Grapes for Teratis, red wine in Franciacorta
A radical change in the attitude that the company has always hade towards still wines.: in fact, the precious grapes grown on the terraces on the southern slope offered a lot. Potential qualities that were not sufficiently valued. “From the territorial point of view, those grapes have a very strong qualitative basis,” said the agronomist of Riccafana. From this awareness the winning bet of Riccardo Fratus grew. Enhancing a hidden treasure. On the other hand, traditionally Franciacorta is born as a great land producing red wine still. Why then not return to produce and enhance one of the greatest potential of this magnificent territory, the red wine in Franciacorta?
In 2015 the intuition of Riccardo Fratus has all the conditions to become reality. In fact it is a magnificent vintage, as well as the 2016 and then the 2017. The Pedo-climatic condition of the Riccafana grapes has proven exceptional. The agronomic management strategies have been aimed at producing grapes of the highest quality thickness. Therefore the two main grapes: Merlot at 70%, Cabernet Sauvignon at 30%.
Here is the choice to wait for the ultra-ripened grapes. The harvest was made between the last week of October and the first of November. Very driven maturation to ensure a high concentration of sugar, polyphenols and obtain a softness of the whole product to try, fermentation in wood for 14 months, the steel processing and bottling in the 2017 have given birth to a product of absolute excellence, that makes you think of the great Cru of the Italian vine-culture. With satisfaction the comparison with a great Amarone can be made. Teratis, red wine in Franciacorta is a very intense wine. The color is an impenetrable ruby red. Hints of enveloping nose: red fruit jam. Round flavors in the mouth, a warm velvety wraps the palate. With its about 15 degrees alcohol, it is not a wine for all occasions. In fact it should be drunk only in those circumstances that make honour to this incredible wine created by Riccardo Fratus.
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